We plan and implement strategies for the controlled growth of Roane County’s economy as a unified voice representing the best Tennessee has to offer businesses, citizens and travelers.

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We bring growth-oriented businesses with strong fiscal discipline, infrastructure and workforce-ready people to East Tennessee.

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We attract travelers who seek unique heritage and the best outdoor recreational experiences to Roane County.

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We connect leaders and organizations for the benefit of local and regional business growth.

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We empower leaders, parents and students to invest in education, so they are better prepared to fulfill the workforce opportunities of Roane County’s future.

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We offer natural beauty, historic charm and low-cost living, distinguishing Roane County as one of the best retirement destinations in the nation.

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Roane Alliance Announces New President/CEO

March 29, 2019

At last night’s Roane Alliance Board meeting, Pam May was voted in as the new President/CEO.  Following a recommendation by the hiring committee, the board members present voted unanimously to make May’s interim position permanent. 

 “It was a unanimous decision to recommend Pam May as the new President/CEO of the Roane Alliance,” said Dr. Chris Whaley, President, Roane State Community College and Alliance Board Chair, “with the years of experience she has had at the Alliance and the relationships she has built, the hiring committee felt she was the best fit after going through the interview process.  And the Roane Alliance Board felt the same, with everyone voting yes.”

 “After receiving around 100 resumes, with the help of the City of Oak Ridge, around 20 were selected as the top candidates, of which the hiring committee chose five to interview – several from out of state and three from Roane or surrounding area,” added Marilyn Calfee, Roane Chamber Board Chair.  “Thank you to the City of Oak Ridge for taking the lead on the search.”

 “I am honored and excited to have this opportunity to lead the Roane Alliance,” said new President/CEO Pam May, the Roane Alliance, “and my hope is that we can also help lead Roane County to greater prosperity.  That will also take our county leaders and stakeholders working with us towards that common goal but I do believe that has already begun and I can assure you the Alliance team will continue to work as hard as ever to make that happen.”

The Roane Alliance mission is to create an environment and a unified voice that promotes job creation, economic development, enhanced quality of life, education and workforce.  To learn more about the Alliance and its partners please call 865.376.2093 or visit