FY21 Workplan Announced
The Roane Alliance creates a marketing and workplan each fiscal year with one primary objective, to increase economic prosperity for Roane County and its citizens. This is accomplished by growing jobs and increasing tax revenue through the growth of existing and recruitment of new businesses, industries, and visitors. Tough in a typical year but a pandemic year, that will realize more county budget cuts and loss of revenue from numerous canceled events, will undoubtedly be a challenge.
"As the agency responsible for economic development in the county, the Roane Alliance team understands the importance of any marketing effort or project that we work on," said Roane Alliance President/CEO Pam May. "It can be hard to stay focused on the tasks necessary to create an impact in our county, with so many other ideas or agendas expected. We are always open to new ideas and partnering to leverage our assets. Still, our team has to focus on the projects and marketing efforts identified to be successful in growing Roane County's economy."
The Industrial Development Board will continue to focus on industrial and retail recruiting, creating campaigns using the new 'Mastered' brand, while also working on existing projects like the Emergency Response Training Facility (ERTF).
"We are always looking for unique and different ways to recruit business and industry. One of the commissioners suggested an idea, and we acted on it," said Justin Snow, Vice President of Economic Development. "We are using direct mail to target businesses in those high-density areas hit hard by the pandemic or riots to introduce them to Roane County in hopes they might consider moving their business here."
The Visitors Bureau focuses on the recruitment of tourism assets and visitors. Launched this spring was the 'Get Out' outdoor recreation guide and campaign to promote Roane County's natural assets. "We have paired this guide with new webpages, a Get Outdoors Contest, and a new billboard on I40," said Kaley Hill, Communications and Marketing Manager. "Roane County has plenty of ways to enjoy the great outdoors, and we are excited for this guide and campaign to promote those assets."
The shop local initiative run by the Roane Chamber has been one of the longest-running programs that we administer but has never been more important due to the pandemic. One of the Roane Chamber's primary focuses this year will be to encourage and promote the importance of shopping local every day of the year for our businesses to survive.
In addition, as our schools navigate the pandemic, the Education Matters program will help TN Scholars, Career Fair, CTE, and other important programs continue, if at all possible.
"The Roane Alliance is optimistic about Roane County, even during these unprecedented times, and we do not plan on letting up – just staying focused," added May. "I have always believed the Alliance is an asset to the county and has been able to accomplish more as a team than the partner organizations could have alone. It has been a trying year, but I know that my team has impacted Roane County and that we are more motivated than ever before to continue working on these objectives."