We plan and implement strategies for the controlled growth of Roane County’s economy as a unified voice representing the best Tennessee has to offer businesses, citizens and travelers.

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We bring growth-oriented businesses with strong fiscal discipline, infrastructure and workforce-ready people to East Tennessee.

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We attract travelers who seek unique heritage and the best outdoor recreational experiences to Roane County.

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We empower leaders, parents and students to invest in education, so they are better prepared to fulfill the workforce opportunities of Roane County’s future.

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We offer natural beauty, historic charm and low-cost living, distinguishing Roane County as one of the best retirement destinations in the nation.

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2019 Elected Officials BBQ Held October 22

October 23, 2019

The Roane County Chamber held its annual Elected Officials BBQ yesterday to say thanks and honor those who serve publicly and provide leadership for our county.  Around 80 were in attendance that included not only elected officials but also board members who serve on the Roane Alliance, Chamber and Industrial Development Boards.

“We also invite the members of all of our boards to the barbecue, along with sponsors of the event,” said President Pam May, Roane Alliance, “to give them the opportunity to personally say thank you to Roane County’s elected officials.  The Alliance is successful because of the leadership from our board members so we use this event to recognize and say thanks to them as well.”

Sponsors for the event included: Coldwell Banker Jim Henry and Associates, with Kathy May-Martin and her husband, Michael, in attendance; Oak Ridge Utility District, with Vice President of External Affairs (and Alliance Vice Chair) Sasha Benjamin and Account Executive Scott Lane attending; and REU, with Board members (also Rockwood City Council) Harold Holloway and (Kingston City Council) Randy Childs attending.

Meme’s Restaurant catered the event, while CJ Ashburn provided the entertainment.  City of Kingston provided the pavilion and Jim Henry Event Center provided decorations, while Humble Bee Flowers and Gifts donated fall arrangements that were auctioned off during the event.  A special thank you goes to the staff of Kingston Parks and Recreation for preparing and helping set up for the event.

“For the Alliance staff, this is one of our favorite events, and this year it seemed it was for guests also.  Many commented on the fantastic barbecue dinner and the band, which even had some guests singing and dancing,” added May.

To learn more about the Roane Alliance and its board members visit